Saturday, August 18, 2007

Miss you guys!

Hey all, I just wanted to tell you that I got some salmon berry jam from my great grandma today--- and you know we don't get those kind of berries around here. My cousin gave grandma 18 gallons of salmon berries and she gave my mom half. So I'm thrilled to be alive today. But on a very serious note I am anxious to get my daughter to school so I can get back to work on my own school work. The last two weeks have been so busy and after a week of cold and rain we now have summer again--- its been in the eighties the past two days. Miss everyone--hope your last couple weeks have been great.

1 comment:

noelstrick said...

Hey, nice to hear from you. Okay,now that there is no way I can loose the information, what is your "old" name? If you don't want to tell me on a blog you can write it on my forehead with a permanent marker in October!

I have to clean up my computer. After all the downloads from class, and probably my movies, it is running soooo slow. (not sure how this fits into the conversation)

K-thank you for being you and miss you too!