Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I have loved Inspiration since I first used it. I love the ability to move things around on the page so easily and can see myself using this program a lot. Brainstorming is an obvious use as well as helping students to make outlines for their projects. I can also see myself using the flow chart idea to describe all sorts of processes in my classroom. Power Point on the other hand gives me fits. I know it is not the program that has the problem but my poor brain will not keep the information I need to make using Power Point an easy thing for me. I probably need to make a thousand presentations in a row just to get that info to stay in my brain. I can see myself using both tools even with younger students because many of them already know more than I do. I also can't wait to use Panraven. Since we live in a world now that is so into 'visual' and 'immediate' I think all three of these programs are necessary and useful for the classroom.

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