Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We're almost there girls!

I am anxious to hear your voices this afternoon! I will be so indescribably thrilled to be done with this ED330 project that I can hardly stand it. I am so impressed with the power points you girls have put together! I just need to turn in the final exam questions and then it's OVER!!!!!!! I will be catching up with all you blogs and sending my comments starting Friday. Hope to actually SEE some of you next semester when you are here for intensives.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I found the answer on one of the blogger help boards---the video tab does not show up in safari but it works just fine in Firefox. So hopefully here's my video.

I can't find the film strip tab!!!

I am trying to post my video to this site as instructed but I do not find the video tab that is supposedly on this page so I can load the video. Anybody know what I might be doing wrong?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I am still around!

Hi all I have such a hard time remembering to post every week! I have not been able to open anyone's panraven stories so I haven't seen anything yet. I'll probably have to go to the lab and get help to figure it out. I am trying to finish Ed 330 work before I travel to my mother's village for the 40-day feast next Friday but I don't know if I'll get it done or just go nuts.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


HI guys, I would apreciate it if you would go back through your posts for the past three weeks to find any comments I may have made -some were left on the older blogs. Thank you, Theresa

Getting back in the loop.

Hi all, as some of you may know my mom passed away two weeks ago so I have been away from school for awhile. I hope to finish all your posts this evening and add my comments. I have missed you guys but just wasn't up to much untill now.

Monday, October 1, 2007

What do you think?

I liked the way these photos kind of jump out at the reader because of the way they overlap the background. Skip if you want me to I could go back and change the sizing but I wanted to put it up this way first cause I thought it was cool. Opinions?

Fairbanks Photos

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

October already!

Hi guys, I can't believe that tomorrow is October already. The weather here is still cold/warm/cold, no snow in sight yet. My husband says itis blowing and snowing in Prudhoe. Anybody have frozen ground yet? I remember we always had snow by my brothers's birthday (September 23) when I was a kid. One year we only went to four houses for Holloween because it was -40. Can't get over how much the weather has changed just in my lifetime. O.K. I'm done rambling. I've been working on paring down my pictures for the flickr sllide show - I started with 83! There are just so many things to photograph in a city. I should have the slide show up today or tomorrow. I really enjoy keeping up with you guys this way. Have a good one----

Monday, September 24, 2007

Subsistance? What's That?

I imagine you already know that taking time off school for subsistence activities isn't even a question in Fairbanks. People can and do take time away from school but this absence is treated like any other. A parent has three days to report the absence of their student and the student is expected to make up what he or she missed. I am amazed at how many different ways the schools (where you all are) deal with this issue. I am really impressed with the ones who place so much value on this activity and help families keep subsistence as a way of life. That's cool.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This time I did forget!

Hi all, I am so bad at remembering to get this done by Sunday. I have decided I need to make posting something I do at the beginning of the week instead of the end. I've been very busy with the start of school and trying to get Ed 330 work done that I have let this class slide too much. Next week I hope to have my Panraven story ready. Blessings to you all, Theresa

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just got back---

I just returned from visiting my oldest daughter in Girdwood and moose hunting with my hubby. We saw a little black bear but no moose. I went to a schoolboard meeting for Ed 330 as well. Not something I would do just for fun that for sure! I am really enjoying all the stuff you guys have been adding to your blogs -
Miss you all !

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Almost forgot!

We have been out getting ready for moose hunting and I almost forgot to get this posted. I wish I had remembered my camera yesterday because the sun was bright and the colors out in the woods were gorgeous! I hope to get some nice photos to share with you all this week. I told a former geology teacher about delicious and he will be putting a huge list of geology related web sites for teachers up soon. when it is done I'll let you know the address.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Miss you guys!

Hey all, I just wanted to tell you that I got some salmon berry jam from my great grandma today--- and you know we don't get those kind of berries around here. My cousin gave grandma 18 gallons of salmon berries and she gave my mom half. So I'm thrilled to be alive today. But on a very serious note I am anxious to get my daughter to school so I can get back to work on my own school work. The last two weeks have been so busy and after a week of cold and rain we now have summer again--- its been in the eighties the past two days. Miss everyone--hope your last couple weeks have been great.

Sunday, August 12, 2007


We did so much in class this week that my head was spinning for a while! My biggest challenge was remembering all the little steps in posting pictures to flickr and creating a slide show and posting it on the blog. I was feeling seriously stupid because I couldn't get the job done. My confidence was restored though when we discovered the problem was in my computer and not my efforts.
I think each thing we worked on this week was very valuable and will be more than useful to me as a teacher. I finally got the Power Point mental block shaken out of my head and I learned so many new things. I was worried that an intensive tech class would be more than I could handle but the pace of instruction and all the help we received made the week fun and profitable for me. I can't wait to hear how people use this new stuff at home.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Photos of the Sa Life Center in Seward Ak.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I have loved Inspiration since I first used it. I love the ability to move things around on the page so easily and can see myself using this program a lot. Brainstorming is an obvious use as well as helping students to make outlines for their projects. I can also see myself using the flow chart idea to describe all sorts of processes in my classroom. Power Point on the other hand gives me fits. I know it is not the program that has the problem but my poor brain will not keep the information I need to make using Power Point an easy thing for me. I probably need to make a thousand presentations in a row just to get that info to stay in my brain. I can see myself using both tools even with younger students because many of them already know more than I do. I also can't wait to use Panraven. Since we live in a world now that is so into 'visual' and 'immediate' I think all three of these programs are necessary and useful for the classroom.

Monday, August 6, 2007

One foot out of the door.

My name is Theresa, I live in Alaska and I am an education major at the University.