Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We're almost there girls!

I am anxious to hear your voices this afternoon! I will be so indescribably thrilled to be done with this ED330 project that I can hardly stand it. I am so impressed with the power points you girls have put together! I just need to turn in the final exam questions and then it's OVER!!!!!!! I will be catching up with all you blogs and sending my comments starting Friday. Hope to actually SEE some of you next semester when you are here for intensives.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I found the answer on one of the blogger help boards---the video tab does not show up in safari but it works just fine in Firefox. So hopefully here's my video.

I can't find the film strip tab!!!

I am trying to post my video to this site as instructed but I do not find the video tab that is supposedly on this page so I can load the video. Anybody know what I might be doing wrong?