Tuesday, October 30, 2007


HI guys, I would apreciate it if you would go back through your posts for the past three weeks to find any comments I may have made -some were left on the older blogs. Thank you, Theresa

Getting back in the loop.

Hi all, as some of you may know my mom passed away two weeks ago so I have been away from school for awhile. I hope to finish all your posts this evening and add my comments. I have missed you guys but just wasn't up to much untill now.

Monday, October 1, 2007

What do you think?

I liked the way these photos kind of jump out at the reader because of the way they overlap the background. Skip if you want me to I could go back and change the sizing but I wanted to put it up this way first cause I thought it was cool. Opinions?

Fairbanks Photos

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.